This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Thursday, December 26, 2002

Well, dammit. I'm writing this christmas night, although I'm not sure when I'll get to post it. Because the cable modem's out. Stupid technology. Hmmmm...
Today was pretty good. Amethyst woke us all up too early in the morning and we called my family so they could all watch her open presents on the webcam-that was Stormy's idea. And it worked out well, my parents and Stormy were all thrilled at the opportunity. And then my parents called and talked to Amethyst for an hour and me for like seven seconds. Ah, well. They've only spoken to her three times in the past five months, so I don't really blame them. And Amethyst is going to have christmas for like a week because half the packages that were sent our way never made it-or at least haven't made it yet. And Stormy's still got one to send. I got the best gift today, too. My favourite toy EVER. And the real thing, not the cheap crappy plastic imitations. So I've been singing the commercial jingle over and over and annoying everyone with it. But c'mon. It's Slinky! And Slate got me KY Jelly and batteries. He thinks he's funny. Actually, I about died laughing. So I guess I think he's funny, too. And there was more than enough chocolate here to fuel a small army of children for a week-and Amethyst ate like half of it, so she's been bouncing off the walls. S'all good, though, that's what christmas is for. Also, we've been on and off watching TV today and the BEST movies have been on. The movie they made from my favourite book-and then the two sequels which sucked to my assmar, but I didn't watch them, just the first one. And Amethyst LOVED it. Which rocked my world. So now I get to read her the book. Yay! And then the musical made from my favourite legend of all time-so I was singing and dancing around to it and Slate was laughing at me. But in a good way. We also went out to the movies, Slate and Amethyst and I. After we'd taken his boyfriend home. Well, his boyfriend and his boyfriend's ex, who also spent the night last night. Which I thought was a little weird, but s'all good. Like I said, my home is open to anyone, especially if they're going to be alone on christmas. Oh! And I cooked the BESTest dinner EVER! It was phenomenal, and everyone loved it. I also made four pies, but the guys went home before having any. Which is a shame because it is absolutely the BEST pumpkin pie I have ever tasted. Ever. I rock, I rock, la la la la la la!
By the way, did I ever mention that Amethyst is the best little girl EVER? She picked up her toys when we asked her to, always asked before she ate any of the TONS of candy lying around, offered to share all her toys with everyone, and was in general polite and happy the whole day. People would KILL for a kid like that. So maybe being karmically fucked in all other aspects of life is made up for in no small measure by her. She saves me a little every day, while everything else just seeks to destroy me.
Anyway, as we were driving around that one song about suicide came on the radio. Which I thought both ironic and inappropriate considering that today is the day with the highest suicide rate all year. But whatever. I just found it amusing.
There were some down points to the day, though. Slate's boyfriend-who three days ago considered Slate the love of his life-told Slate that he didn't really know what he wanted and he didn't think he loved Slate anymore. Yeah. So Slate was crying and upset over it, but I think he handled it well-he just told the guy to give him a call when and if he figured it out. And I didn't kill the guy for his incredibly shitty timing, which means I handled it well for my part, too. I didn't even tell him off, which I was more than tempted to do. But it was Slate's deal and not really my business, so I stayed out of it. And also, Stone never called and he was supposed to be here for the holiday. I know he had to work and all, but he could've at least called to wish us well. He irritates me sometimes, but I'm not going into that rant right now.
Okay, I think that's it. Well, I'll also mention that Slate and I are getting along a lot better now. And we're a lot closer, too. Which I'm really glad for because I've missed the best friend I had in high school. I do love him, despite the fact that I complain about him not infrequently. And he's the same with me. So for the next twenty seconds everything is almost all okay in my life. After that, it'll get worse. But at least I have the next twenty seconds.