This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Friday, December 27, 2002

Men are funny. (Now that I'm all showered and clean and stuff, it's time to make some observations.) Yes, I know that's a generalization. And yes, all of them. Which is one of the reasons why I love being female. Well, most of the month. But that's not the point. The point is that men don't know anything about women and we know just about everything about them. And thus we have the power. Men don't realize that women are ALWAYS fully aware of themselves. As in, if we "accidentally" touch a hand or leg or have ANY physical contact whatsoever we are doing it on purpose. And if our hand lingers there we probably really like the guy. But men don't really pick up on those things, at least not the shy ones. The other ones...well, they interpret EVERYTHING as a signal. Like I said, men are funny. And another thing, if a chic is lingering in the car at the end of the evening (or the guy in her car, whatever) talking about the inane or the weather-which, c'mon, IS inane-that most likely means she wants the guy to kiss her. Or walk her to the door or ask her up or ANYthing. Just to prolong the evening. Men. Can't live with them, can't shoot the REALLY stupid ones and keep the rest for breeding stock. More's the pity-under that system, at least we'd get rid of the pres.