This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Saturday, January 11, 2003

Goddamn, some people irritate me. Navy is one of them in a major way. He calls me up at midnight and gets me to go out of the house-in my pajamas (and for those of you who know what I wear to bed, stop snickering)-then when he gets here he plays video games with Slate and his friend for an hour and passes out on the couch. Plus, in the car he was all pinching me and licking my ear-and not in a good way-and falling asleep on me and jerking the steering wheel so the car weaved into the other lane. AND I have to wake my lazy ass up at the ass crack of dawn to take him back to he can fucking go snorkeling? No, I don't think so. No, no, No I don't. Amethyst went to bed after midnight, so she'll sleep until eight or ten. And I'm not setting an alarm. He can wake me up when he wants to leave. And then he can stay gone. Fuckin' putz.
Oh, and tomorrow (yes, I know, technically today) is one year for me and Slate. Kewl. We're gonna get a picnic and go to the beach or something. Well, we are if Amethyst is feeling better.
Anyway, I'm talking to Plum at the moment, and I'm kinda ignoring him in favour of this bloggy thing and that's just not right. He's much more...stimulating than this is. So