This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Thursday, April 03, 2003

You know what? I almost NEVER get on this account anymore other than to just check email and see if anyone's left me any offline messages. So whenever I DO get on it, I'm usually invisible. But today I went visible to talk to Stone-who signed off as soon as I IMed him. Asshole. Anyway, then guess who IMs ME? That's right, Argile. Pathetic waste of a human being. And you'll never GUESS what he wants. LoL. That's right, he wants to 'fool around'. I laughed at him. He didn't get it. So I told him he was welcome to take me out sometime-yes, I AM all about exploiting the weak and stupid (incredibly stupid, in this case)-because I figure he still owes me that from last time. I highly doubt he will, but if he does, hey, free movie. And then *I* can leave HIM to go 'smoke a cigarette'. Or just to leave-that being the point and all.
ANYWAY. Stone just signed in and I IMed him from my alternate identity. No surprise, he's actually talking to me.