This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Friday, July 04, 2003

I don't require privacy. Not really. But for those people reading this...well, I don't keep secrets, I CAN'T fucking keep secrets. But the way I think about it in my head and the way I might talk about it to another person tend to be different. In my head things are unedited, and there are tangents that a) aren't worth pursuing, b) make absolutely no fucking sense to anyone but me, and c) don't matter.
So here's my theory: stop reading. This is my diary, my little place for thoughts that I need to be able to express without worrying or wondering how anyone's going to react to it. Without editing myself, without the knowledge that I'm going to have to explain the inner workings of my (diseased) mind to anyone else. So if you have any interaction with me at all-especially daily interaction-just stop reading. If you want to know what I'm thinking, ask. But you don't need to know every little detail of everything I think about and feel like mentioning here.
Maybe I do need a little privacy after all.
(Oh, and Magenta, you're welcome to keep reading. Don't ask me why you get to be the exception. I might actually have an answer.)