This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Thursday, September 18, 2003

God, I love kids. I love the way I am with them and really, being around them makes me happy. I went to breakfast with Amethyst this morning and I LOVED it! All those kids. I want to be a kindergarten teacher. Is that silly? Or just a frivolous whim? I don't think so. I've been thinking about it for a while and I really think that's what I'd like to do. I LOVE languages, and I still want to learn them-all-but I want to teach and to be around kids. And when I told FireOpal about it he said that he'd had a dream a long time ago that his wife was a kindergarten teacher. It's me. It's always been me. He loves me, he's going to marry me. He really, really is.
There's a little girl over spending the night with Amethyst. She walks to school with us in the mornings and I'm sure her mother doesn't mind the break from getting up at the ass crack of dawn. Well, she might have to anyway, she's got a baby. But I love it. I love them playing together and taking care of each other and having fun. I love them not sleeping for over an hour past bedtime, keeping each other up giggling all night. I love it, and I want more. More kids. And FireOpal to give them to me.
Oh, this morning. After I left Amethyst at school. I was walking back home the way I usually do and there's this guy who's in the building across from me. I pass him every morning while he's sitting on his stairs and smoking, and I'm friendly-you know, generic "good morning, isn't the weather lovely" kinda friendly. So this morning as I'm passing him he asks to see my tattoo. The one on my arm. So I get closer and show him. Harmless enough. But I have to show off. I show him the one on my neck, finger, palm, and then the top of the one on my breast. He kinda pulls my shirt down a bit-I'm thinking to see it better-and tugs on my nipple a little. So I pull away and fix my shirt. He asks to see the tattoo again because he "wasn't really looking at it" the first time. I don't care. I show him. And all of a sudden he's leaning forward with "can I suck on that titty?" I'm like "No" and I fix my shirt. So he says "well, I've already seen it." It was the ART, dude. I was showing the ART. And I walk away. He shouts after me "maybe some day." I just laugh and continue on to my home. Where I lock the door once I'm inside-not something I usually do. I wasn't scared at all, more like amused, but really, I'm kinda oblivious. To the way people react to some things. I'm not shy about showing off my awesome tattoo, the artwork really IS gorgeous, but some people see that as "oh, it's time to suck on her 'titty' for a while." And I just don't see that people might react that way. Because *I* don't think of it that way it never occurs to me that others might. *sigh* Maybe I really am naive.
God, today was a REALLY good day. And I don't even really know why, it just...was. :D I think I'll have MORE days like this one.