This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Monday, October 06, 2003

"Why no recent Blog? I was quite interested in what you allow everyone else read except for those that you don't know personally.
It's kind of like a billboard diary in a town you've never even considered visiting."

For some reason that image appeals to me. Like an advertisement for Virginia, because what the hell is in Virginia, and who would go there if they didn't have family or something? Or Wyoming. Who the hell would go there ANYWAY (and I DO have family there)? Is that what this is? A pathetic attempt to gain visitors? I wonder what the tour guide would say? "Welcome to my inner mess. Everything in here is fragile, handle with care-or for your own good, just don't handle at all, it's really safer that way. To the right we have fears and hopes-see the itty bitty door?, that's hopes-to the left we have shattered dreams and faded illusions. Moving further along, we have insecurities and confidences-no, that's not a mouse hole, that's the confidences. And soon you'll get to see pain and pleasure-careful there, though, sometimes the screams get quite loud, and I never CAN tell which of those it's coming from. Up ahead we have childhood-please don't step on the little running things, none of us have ever been able to figure out what they are, but we're all pretty sure that SOMEthing would break if they were trampled. Ah, and here's what we've been waiting for: random thoughts. Notice how this section takes up the most room, how ornate and intricate the whole thing is. Doesn't it just make you think 'god, what the hell does this chic DO all day, sit around twiddling her thumbs thinking up this fucked up shit?' Yeah, sometimes I wonder that, too. Now if you'll all excuse me, it's almost time for my lunch break. I'm sure you'll find everything to And you might even find a way out one of these days. Hell, I'm still looking for the cafeteria."
Yeah, that sounds like my inner tour guide.