This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Monday, October 14, 2002

So I'm doing this whole casual dating thing. Never really done it before, never really dated, either. Which is weird because I have a kid. But I was always just somehow in the middle of relationships without ever going through the dating process. Hey, it worked for me. But I'm in the "pool" again. Meeting guys just about exclusively online-except without the 'just about' part. So last night I had an actual date-that went well, I had a good time-and the night before that...was bizarre, but was with a different guy. I know, I claim all this bizarro crap, and never deliver the details. I'm just frustrating that way. Anyway, the point is, an entirely DIFFERENT guy is coming over tonight. What do you think? Too whorish? I mean, I'm not sleeping with any of them-well, no sex at any rate. Which is another bizarre tidbit. That I'm going to skip. Surprised? Didn't think so. Soo...back to the point. Which I do have. This time. Okay, so, he's coming over with a movie-a horror movie, I think. And I tend to have...a particular bizarre reaction to horror movies. So if I don't post for a while, I've finally found the psychotic/homicidal type, and you should be thrilled that my daughter gets all that glorious insurance money. Actually, my sis will get it because she's the one who'll take my daughter upon my demise. Good thing we've got the system all worked out. Wish me luck-not that kind of luck, get your minds out of the gutter! Or maybe just MY mind...