This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Saturday, November 16, 2002

Mmmmm, need sleep...Late last night Blonde calls and wants to get together for our usual entertainment. I explain about my new guy and he comes and gets me anyway. Up all night with our usual entertainment...Which was really nice, good, fun, and all, but I told him that's it. No more. Because even though Royal and I don't have anything specifically arranged or definitely going on, I want to concentrate on him exclusively, and not divide my attention-even just physical attention. Am I going to tell Royal about it? Yes. I am an honest person. Besides, I gave up all that really, really good sex for him. I'd be flattered. Anyway, I'm really tired. I'mma see if Amethyst will take a nap with me. Sleep...Sleep...zzzzzzzzzzz