This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Saturday, March 22, 2003

DAMMIT!!! I have a secret. I HATE having secrets. I'm no good at secrets! Especially when I know that other people would want to know. Or even some of them deserve to know. *sigh* I can't even hint at it or write about it or anything. I mean, I WILL tell the appropriate people. Of COURSE I will. the appropriate time. NOW is not that time. And I HATE waiting for anything, especially the time to tell my secret. *sigh* What's even worse is that I know how everyone will react. And some of them will react...poorly, to say the least.
Okay, on another note, I was out all afternoon. I got my eyes checked and a new perscription for glasses. And I picked out the most ADORABLE pair! I have to wait two weeks for them to get in, but they look SUPER fabulous on me.
Oh, and I called here to see if Amethyst wanted me to bring her dinner on my way home. She answered the phone-and the same way I do, with "her highness speaking". It was ADORABLE. Although it was weird hearing her disembodied voice on the phone. Cute, but odd. I'm used to seeing her when I talk to her. Oh, I just LOVE my little one.
But I'm terribly preoccupied, so