This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I'm moving. Today. I won't have a phone or internet access or a car or money...and it'll be just me and Amethyst. Yay! (I'll let you decide whether that's genuine or sarcastic-or possibly a little of both.)
Yeah, so maybe I should've been updating my blog all along instead of REALLY neglecting it like I have been. And I guess a lot has happened. I just don't have time for it right at the moment.
The short of it is that I've gotten some new tattoos-which are FUCKING FABULOUS, I must say. I'mma try to take pictures and upload them somewhere. Well. I'mma try.
Also, I exacted my revenge on the bitch. I left her downtown and then got her kids taken by their grandfather and klepto'd quite a bit of money from her. Which paid for my tattoos. Hehehehehehe. And today I'm calling the father of her children to tell him that she's taking the kids and leaving. Yeah, don't ever piss me off. When I get revenge, I get it BIG time-and I love how this will totally fuck up her life. Even though I've already totally fucked it up. Ah, that's how it goes.
Another thing is that Slate and I are really getting along. Which is not surprising since I'm leaving and that's what he wants.
*sigh* I get to fly today. With a sick four year old and the beginnings of a sick myself. Not fun. But at least I'll see Stormy when I land. She managed to get the day off to come get me at the airport. Yay! Our whole lives we've never been three months without seeing each other. And now it's been TEN. I'm WAY excited. And so is Amethyst. Only...well, my parents will be there, too. I love them. But I'm really sick of being hurt by them. I'm even MORE sick of them choosing my asshole brother over me all the fucking time. I mean, I can understand choosing Stormy. She's great. But HIM? No. And not over Amethyst, either. I don't know why I still hope all the goddamned time. But I do. And I'm consistently disappointed. Maybe I should just not hope anymore. Not for them.
Wow. Just a little more packing and I'm out of here. I mean, there IS some stuff that Slate needs to send me. But I'm able to take most of it with me. Yeah, that's a good thing. Slate MAY get around to sending the rest of it sometime within the next year or so. I HOPE he'll be that expedient about it, anyway.
Okay. Yeah, I've got to run.