This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Oh my fucking god. Amethyst is driving me batshit. I'm SICK of it. When do I get to do what *I* fucking want to do? Yeah, yeah, it's all my fault I got pregnant right after high school. Fuck it. Fuck it right in the ear. So SO many things would have made my current life different. And I don't even know if I wish for them or not. "She wants someone to save her from a life that isn't that horrible." Yes, yes I do. Not just someone. Him. But since he won't...ah, well. I'll just fucking do what I fucking do and if he gets here too late then he can go to hell. Wrong choices. All wrong. There is no US without us. I wonder if he knows that?
I still want to explore the domination/submission thing. I want to explore all sorts of things sexually. He's not here. Fine. I'll do what I want to do without him. Like I said-he'll probably be too late.