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Monday, May 30, 2005

Previously Animated

Have you ever seen one of those cartoons where the rabbit/person/creature thing is walking along and walks off an edge of a cliff? And until they look down, they're still just walking along. I feel like that.
Life up to a certain point was an uphill climb. I struggled, I tripped and stumbled, but I made it to the top. Or at least to a point that I thought was the top, and that was good enough for me. So I'm walking along, exploring the top of this mountain until someone steals the ground right out from underneath me, just takes away everything I'd built upon up to that point to use for her own. Initially, I was oblivious. I was flying high with no support. Until I saw the emptiness beneath me. So I fell. Every now and then I think I might regain my footing, might catch a ledge and claw my way back up. But every time I did, my fingers were crushed beneath the heel of someone else's boot. Now they're all broken, and I'm still falling.
Welcome to the abyss.