This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Sunday, November 17, 2002

I just got off the phone with my sister. She always makes me feel...not necessarily better, though that's often the way it turns out. But more real. Like nothing exists until she knows about it. Anyway, we've been discussing colours for her and finally came up with one we both like. Stormy. The colour of her eyes. They're this storm cloud blue with these dark outer rings. I just love her eyes. I can see how her husband fell in love, gazing into them. She originally wanted to be Sapphire, but that's my colour. And even though this is first person, and I don't really need a colour, it's more me anyways. So Stormy she is. And we talked for hours. As we have a habit of doing. We talked about me and her and her husband and mine and my new "boyfriend" and about Blonde and Amethyst and those who have chosen to comment on this blog, and the one who has chosen to see me from out of it and judge me because of it. She, as I do, agrees with him. But doesn't understand my fascination with him. Actually, I think she might be a little jealous of him-up to this point she's been the only one whose critique I have accepted. And now I admire someone else for it. Well, maybe she's not jealous, in as such. Maybe she sees the need for someone else to give me a mental kick in the ass so I can just get over myself. Or at least over the injustices I perceive myself to have suffered. And those I actually have suffered. And I'm rambling again. Because I'm slightly buzzed. Mmmmmm, alcohol. Good thing I'm old enough for it. And now I'mma go read if I can see the pages and just pass out if I can't.