This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Saturday, December 07, 2002

Am I going to have a good weekend? My magic 8 Ball says "Don't count on it." *sigh* I'm not surprised. Stormy called me at nine this morning, woke Amethyst and myself up. Amazing that Amethyst was still sleeping, but s'all good. Except that I went to bed at five... But-and I think I mentioned this earlier-I read somewhere that the more intelligent a person is, the less sleep they need. *I am so smart, S-M-R-T!* (It sounds better when you can hear me singing it.)
I guess I'm in a good mood, despite the damned 8 Ball. Who told the 8 Ball about my life, anyway? Stupid powers that be. Didn't I mention that I hate them anyway? And shouldn't I mistrust anything that I hate? Who knows?
Anyway, I'mma go get Amethyst some clothing and maybe take her to the park or something. Or maybe the mall...Screw the 8 Ball. I'm going to have at least a decent weekend if it kills me. And given the pattern of my life, it just might.