This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

So, here's something to ponder on: Let's say the whole world has in some way lost a day. Maybe we went through something with aliens and had to be memory wiped or something like that. Anyway, we lost a day but we don't know about it. So the day would actually be July second, but we'd all think it was July first. So would it actually BE July first, if the whole world-and I mean EVERYBODY-thought it was? What about little details like the phases of the moon and people who died during that missing day and TV programs and people who were injured during that day and a hundred thousand other tiny little things that I can think of, and I'm sure I can't think of everything. Would we notice? Would we all have this vague disconcerted feeling, a sort of strangeness that we couldn't explain? I mean, there are at least a million things that would have to be taken care of so that we wouldn't notice. Down to the most minute of details. But-keeping with my alien theme-I suppose if they had the technology to mind wipe the entire planet, they'd probably be smart enough to get those nigling little details. But, again, I'm sure even the most advanced of technologies can get a little careless every now and again-I mean, technologically advanced or not, I can't imagine them as being infallible. Every thing has its flaws.
Okay, that's my bizarre little rant of the evening.