This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Is it just me or is this whole anti-smoking campaign making me want to smoke MORE? And I quit when I got pregnant. Dammit. Stupid health nuts. But at least I'm not going to feel stupid someday, lying in a hospital and dying of nothing.
I went to a movie with Amethyst on her birthday. I've already mentioned that. It was the new superhero movie. Now, I have a problem with superhero movies and books and media in general. I mean, why does everyone with superhuman powers have to be fighting for good? It's ridiculous! I mean, if all of a sudden I noticed my daughter was uber strong or could fly or walk through walls-hell, ANYTHING-I'd encourage her to put her powers to good use. 'Use' meaning robbing a bank or something along those lines. Hey, if you can get away with it...Does that make me a bad parent? I don't think so. I just have different morals than most people. Morals on a sliding scale, situational ethics type thing. It works for me. At least I think my heart is in the right place. Above my stomach and below my throat-and congratulations to anatomy.
Also, I went out today. All by myself. It was fun. I got to see my movie-which is bombing in the box office, but is just AWESOME to me. And everywhere I went, I noticed something...odd. Totally bizarre, really. Guys were checking me out. I mean SERIOUSLY checking me out. And like interested-in ME. That's not something that I'm used to. But today I suppose I was just...glowing, to use the old cliche. I'm happy. Truly happy, and maybe people are noticing. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
And I'm in pain. And I mean PAIN. Excrutiating is such an understatement right now. No matter what I do, it's just getting worse. And the fucking doctors with their official "wow, that's weird" diagnosis just want to dope me up-not get rid of the pain but knock me out of my senses so it doesn't matter that it hurts so fucking badly. I don't hate doctors, and I've always been a good patient. But after a certain point with seeing so MANY incompetent ones...Yeah, maybe I should just rip out my spine instead.
Oh, yeah, and I haven't eaten. And there's nothing in this house that I really want to eat. Besides my stomach's all upset and I've got a headache, so I'm just going to go lay down and hope everything just goes away.
Oh, and I just love my lovie. He's just so amazing. We were talking last night forever and I just hated to let him go-even though I needed sleep.
Okay, I'mma go lay down for a couple hours until it's time to meet my lovie online.