This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Sunday, February 16, 2003

The things we do for those we love...when sometimes we'd rather just slaughter them ritualistically and scatter the pieces across creation so we'll never have to do those things again. *sigh* I'd just like to go ONE WEEK without Amethyst creating some heinous mess that's all but impossible to clean up. Especially because I have to clean it up before Slate finds out about it-or he MIGHT just slaughter her. Actually, at this point, I'd like to go one DAY. Although, it is a lot worse today than usual. Children are sneaky. They can look and act so cute and innocent-and then you turn your back and they sprout the horns and the tail and grab the pitchfork they've been so carefully concealing. Oh, well. Hopefully this will all come out and not stain or anything. Yeah, I hope.