This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Friday, July 01, 2005

So, we're at work. I'm at work, a professional environment at which we're supposed to respect each other and not be offensive. Well, a coworker has been coming over to my cubicle to talk to one of my cell mates on a too-frequent basis. So I sent a note to management, just saying 'hey, I'm being disturbed.' Management sent out a company wide email about not taking breaks at each other's desks. So I thought that would be the end of it. Except that just about right after that, the bitch came over AGAIN. So I sent this little note to her, which is ENTIRELY more respectful than she deserves to get from me:

Hey, I don't mean to be pushy or b*tchy or anything, but is there any way you can take your breaks elsewhere? It's just that you're somewhat of a...very distinct presence and I can't help but notice when you're here. I know you and {he} are friends and all, but I'd very much appreciate it if you could socialize outside of the work environment. Thanks,

Okay, maybe a little on the not-so-nice side, but for ME it's practically saintly. Here's her reply:

Sure and can you talk about your antichrist child somewhere else because it clashes with my belief system...which I also think should be talked outside the work place...May God Have Mercy on Your SOUL!

Wow. So she's a complete and utter heinous bitch just because I'm different? Fuck that. Right into hell. And I said:

I don't recall talking about my antichrist child at work. AFTER work, in the elevator, is outside the work environment. I don't want to start a war with you, {she}, but your Christ said "Love your neighbor", not "Love your neighbor if you like them and everything they do is compatible with your personal ethics and belief systems." As for your god having mercy on my soul, I hope he doesn't. Because I won't have any mercy on his.
I respect your beliefs without agreeing with them, and if you'd like to talk to me about them, I'm willing to listen. But if you do, I hope to have an intelligent conversation without prejudice or judgment just because I'm different.
Regardless, I call a truce. I won't talk about my daughter, antichrist or not, within earshot of you. I'd appreciate it if you'd reciprocate by not intruding upon my work environment.

I think at this point *I* should be the one to go to our supervisor, but I don't because that would be petty and childish and we're adults and should be able to handle this on our own. So what does SHE do? Goes to our supervisor. Conference and stupidity and I'm told to conform, to "blend in", and she's told to keep religion out of the work place. Dumbass.

Why do people treat each other this way? Why do they tout their belief in their god as if it's the only worthy thing on earth? Why do they make me feel less worthy, even though *I* am more christian than they are because I actually FOLLOW christ's teachings DESPITE not believing, DESPITE my difficulties with 'god'? I accept and embrace and don't judge. How difficult IS that, you MORONS????