This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Sunday, September 18, 2005


I took Amethyst to the State Fair today. My dad went along and so did a friend of mine and that new guy I've been mentioning. Which was annoying on SO many levels. The first of which being all the goddamned carnies trying to get "daddy" to win her a prize. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch. And half the time they didn't know which one of the three men with me was "daddy". Uh, NONE? And fck off?
Then there was the touchy-feely thing. I don't mind physical contact, but PDA in front of my kid? NO! I'm sorry, I'm NOT dating this guy, and I WON'T date this guy. I won't date ANY guy. I'm not going to bring another man into my daughter's life just to jerk him out again. It's not fair to her. Hell, it's not fair to ME, but what the hell do *I* count for? Anyway, the possessive touching got on my nerves. I don't belong to him. I don't belong to anyone. I don't belong anywhere...
Sidetrack, back on rail!
Okay, it was expensive as hell, and now I'm broke. Apparently so is he, because, as he pointed out, "i spent everything i had to be with u tonight and went from a full tank of gas to a 1/4 of a tank just to be with u". Yay? We all make choices.
Fck it, I'm pissy and tired and upset over losing my keys at the fair.
I'm going to bed.