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Sunday, October 09, 2005

This Day in History

1940 - John Lennon is born
1974 - Oskar Schindler (of Schindler's List fame) dies
1916 - Babe Ruth pitches and wins the longest ever (14 innings) World Series game (2-1)
1888 - The Washington Monument opens to the public
28BC - The Temple of Apollo is dedicated on the Palatine Hill in Rome
1975 - Ironically, Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov, the Soviet physicist who helped build the USSR's first hydrogen bomb, is awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace
1989 - Penthouse Magazine's Hebrew edition hits the newsstands
1930 - Laura Ingalls completes the first transcontinental flight by a woman
1701 - Yale University is chartered in New Haven
1871 - Chicago's "Great Conflagration" is brought under control (started the night before and extinguished completely with the following day's rain)
1965 - Beatles' "Yesterday" single goes number one
1855 - The sewing machine motor is patented by Isaac Singer
1973 - Elvis Presley divorces Priscilla, earning her $1.5 million in cash, $4,200 per month in alimony, half interest in a $750,000 home plus about 5% interest in two of ElvisÂ? publishing companies
1944 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin begin a nine-day conference in Moscow
1781 - The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War took place in Yorktown, VA. The American forces, led by George Washington, defeated the British troops under Lord Cornwallis
1958 - Pope Pius XII died, 19 years after he was elevated to the papacy
1936 The first generator at later Hoover Dam began transmitting electricity to Los Angeles
1952 - Sharon Osborne is born
1446 - Korean Hangual alphabet devised
2003 - A girl discovers a betrayal so deep, so absolute, that it breaks her heart to pieces and changes the course of her life

And here I lay, picking up those pieces, and trying to steer that course.