This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Saturday, December 07, 2002

Ah, naptime. Not for me, although I did get very little sleep last night. And I COULD, in theory, go nap with Amethyst. But this is pretty much the only "me" time I get. Slate is gone-on a date that'll probably last until tomorrow afternoon. Yes, he is a man whore.(On a side note: I swear, straight people need a website like that one. Maybe I'll start one and get rich.) My 8 Ball is currently out of commision when questioned on the subject-a lot of "reply hazy, try again" and "cannot predict now" and "concentrate and ask again" kind of things. Speaking of 8 Balls, Hunter used to work for Miss Cleo. Whenever he was feeling particularly lazy and didn't feel like coming up with his own brand of bullshit, he would use a magic 8 Ball. I think that's entirely too amusing.
Okay, that was more than one random tangent. But admit it-you like me that way. Or at least are getting used to me that way.
And here's another bit of randomness: I have these two friends. Well, I have more than two friends, but these happen to be female. I think they're the only two female friends I have. Anyway, the point is, one of them has emphatically wished to be left out of this blog. Won't even let me assign her a colour. Which I'm tempted to do anyway, but I'll respect her wishes (happy?). For now. MwaaHaaHaa!!! The other is excited about being assigned a colour. Unfortunately, the colour that most comes to my mind when thinking about her (royal purple) has already been assigned to someone else (and what a waste, too-asshole men). But we came up with Hot Magenta for her. (One of the reasons which-her reason, not mine, mind you-is because it's a character in Rocky Horror. Yes, she's obsessed. We all have our little obsessions.) But I love her to death-not that I plan on killing anyone soon, I think the point is that if I WERE to go on a killing spree, she'd be one of the last on my list. Because if I go on a killing spree, it'll be to erradicate everyone. Anyway, she's great and she's recently gotten a long distance plan on her cell phone which means we get to be in a lot closer contact now. Which is really nice-we can vent to each other about everything. Particularly men. AND she's going to call Argile, which I encourage all of you to do. If for no other reason than that it'll be amusing to me.
Okay, I think I feel in the mood for...more Castlevania four. (And yes, I do realize that was rather abrupt-get over it.)