This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Monday, December 02, 2002

I just got off the phone with Stormy. Yes, I talk to her a lot. She told me what my parents said when I called them crying on Thursday. They said I "claimed" it happened. Like they didn't believe me, maybe even thought I was just making it up to ruin their Thanksgiving. I know so many people who would not be bothered by the way my family hates me. Stormy is one of them. But I actually care. Actually, they don't hate me. Just dislike, mistrust, suspect, disrespect, and not know me. It makes me want to cry. I do, even, and often. I wish sometimes that I were the kind of person who could rage at them and hate them back and shrug it off. But I'm not like that. I care. I've been trying to forgive them for so long. And then this. Stormy thinks I should just ignore it and have nothing more to do with them, ever. It's what she would do. But I cannot. I can merely add this to my (super-long) list of greivances, of things I have to accept about them and deal with. It's so hard for me sometimes, I feel like all I do is whine and complain-and that as soon as I get done with it, something else comes along for me to whine and complain about. I so need to direct my own life, and cease to have others influence so much. I'm not like that, either. But, on the bright side, Stormy told them off for me. Even went so far as to mention that they consistently disbelieve me and trust her when she's the one who always lies, and I couldn't to save my life. I just love her. Sometimes I feel she's all I have to keep me sane. And sometimes she is.
I told her about my knight, since we haven't really been able to talk recently, and she's had limited access to my blog. Instead of thinking I was crazy-the reaction I expected-she was happy for me, saw everything in a positive light, and had nothing but good things to say. Like I said, she's amazing. Just never put us in a room together...