This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I feel GOOD! Well, okay, I'm in *about* the worst pain I've ever been in in my life-and it's only getting worse. Of course, it doesn't really compare to childbirth, which I've gone through-and I figure if I can survive that, I can survive anything. Including this pain and a tattoo in an incredibly sensitive spot.
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I'm just HAPPY! I got to go shopping, which is always good. But Slate went with me and it was really nice-almost like we were still really good friends. He even bought me roses-ROSES! Eighteen of them. And they're this beautiful bright orange colour-that just happen to match the shirt I'm wearing today. I put them in a vase and I keep going over and smelling them and just looking at them from every point in the house. Apartment. Whatever. Anyway, they're AWESOME. Someone finally bought me roses. I've never gotten roses before. I wouldn't let him buy me the red ones because obviously red means love and even though he loves me, he doesn't LOVE me. But I'm going on and on about these roses. Because they're so beautimous! I just adore them.
ALSO, I talked to a friend I haven't really seen since Thanksgiving. And he was all ABOUT me! He was going on about how good I looked and how I just looked happy and how I've lost weight and stuff. It was so kewl and flattering and just nice. It IS nice to be noticed in that way. And I'M all about that I KEEP getting noticed in that way. It's so...exhilirating for someone like me. Unusual and flattering and thrilling. I just love me right now!
Anyway, I'm going to go do something silly like dance around my living room looking like a total dork.