This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Saturday, January 01, 2005

I got online earlier to write about...god only knows what. But Jack was there. Neither of us have been around much in the last month or so, but neither of us had anything to do for New Year's. So he came and picked me up. And I spent the night. I wish I could say that I got laid or at least drunk, but alas, no on both counts. Oh, well. I had a good time, though. He still has that odd effect on me, but I noticed tonight that it's to an extremely lesser degree. I guess it's been too long since I've seen him or something. I still wasn't quite bold enough to request sex, but almost. The thought entered my mind more than I'd like it to have done. *sigh* Why can't I meet a guy...well, one that's perfect? Oh, yeah! They don't exist. I guess that's fair, though. I'm not perfect either.
On to another tangent. I've been overwhelmingly irritable lately. I don't know why, but damned near EVERYTHING pisses me off. I'm a total bitch in situations that don't warrant it. The only thing I'm not consistently grouchy about is Amethyst. Yeah, she irritates me sometimes, but in a...a...well, a NORMAL way. Because she's a kid and I'm...almost cleverly disguised as a responsible adult. I just don't understand what's going on with me. Of course, it MIGHT have something to do with the fact that I haven't had my fucking prozac in like a month. That's what my mother thinks, anyway.
Ah, now I remembered what I was going to say. I had an incredible christmas. Not because I got everything I wanted, but because Amethyst did. And had a wonderful time and was happy. I love it that I can do that for her. She came into the living room on christmas morning and her eyes got all round and big and she said "Santa must have put me on the REALLY special list!" Yep. Because 'Santa' got a job and can afford it. Spoiled kid.
Speaking of christmas, Stormy was in town with her husband. That's another reason mine was so great. She's so cute and pregnant and I'm SO excited to meet my nephew! I mean, damned. I've been a mommy for nearly six years, now I get to be an auntie. Yay! Though, just to have a moment of petulance, Stormy really REALLY wanted a girl and she's having a boy. Just goes to show you that not EVERYTHING can be perfect. That, and you should pick a name like "Hrothgar the Unholy" if you want to ensure you get what you want. Hey, it worked for me.
I was going to write something about Raven, but, really, what's there to say? I was afraid he might show up for christmas, and he didn't. I was hoping he'd send me at least SOME of the money he owes me, and he didn't. Somehow, only the former fails to dissappoint me. Can't imagine why.
As for other things...I have a new fuck buddy. He's kewl and hot and actually just a little better than okay in bed. And he lives far closer to where I work than I do, so it's not as big a deal to spend the night on worknights. In fact, it's easier to do. Good thing I have reliable babysitting. And they're almost competent, too.
Okay, that's enough from me. I bid you all sweet dreams, and a happy new year. And only a little bit of murder and mayhem-just to keep things interesting.