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Monday, August 01, 2005

First Trip to the Sex Club

Friday after work I went out to dinner with my friends. Olive joined us. It was going pleasantly until Magenta threw a fit and I, of course, had to go placate her. My food had been sitting at the table for a while by the time I got to it. It was yummy and good, but I was frustrated by Magenta's temper tantrum. So Olive and I spent a great deal of time discussing her theatrics that evening. I dunno, I love Magenta, but sometimes she DOES get frustrating. She makes me feel like I'm her personal Burger King, making it her way right away. I can't even talk about having Ron Jeremy sign a stupid shirt without her going into hysterics. Get OVER it already. That's like not talking about airplanes because they remind her of the time she fell off a building-not related at all, except in the most vague and farfetched of senses.
This was after a day from hell at work, in which they had me on the goddamned phones all day. I hate stupid people. And there are so MANY of them around this shite country.
Anyway, then Olive and I decided to go to this sex club. Technically, a swingers club. The Social Club. Which would be SO much more interesting if decent people went. Instead of old guys, fat (and I mean FAT, like I don't know how they can walk), scary black guys, and shemales. There MIGHT have been one decent person there other than me and Olive, but if there was, he didn't talk to me. Even though I was surrounded by guys the whole time. Probably because I was the youngest person there AND my personality is so outgoing and not shy (i.e. showing my tattoos), that they took it for flirting. I get that a lot. I like the attention, but for ONCE can't someone even remotely related to DECENT hit on me?? No, probably not. *sigh*
Okay, so we're here, we're chilling, watching people (some of whom have very little or no clothing on), looking around the place. They have a bigger dungeon area and a small private one, both of which I found fascinating, of course. Around eleven thirty-ish there's this "demonstration" using the X bars and whips and such. It was probably one of the lamest things I've ever seen. They weren't even swinging the whips, just kind of twirling them around and letting them hit her. And the bitch was whimpering like a dog. *rolling my eyes* Some people suck. *I* would have loved to have played in that room, with a Dom who would actually SWING the toys, actually HURT me. And I have a high tolerance for pain...
So Olive and I went to find a private room (even though this one had a small window right beside the door) to play in. To tell the truth, sex with him has mostly been rather vanilla, not completely my flavour, at least not all the time. SOMEtimes it's okay-but that's not the point. The point is that Olive has never had trouble with either stamina or performance. So after some very awkward attempts at screwing, I asked him what was wrong. Apparently his girlfriend had roped him into promising not to be with anyone else some night earlier in the week. I'm not sure exactly what was said, but it doesn't matter. He's a 'decent' guy and wanted(ish) to keep his word to her. I got FURIOUS. Not because of his girlfriend, about whom I've known the whole time, but because he and I agreed from the outset that the only thing we owed each other was honesty. And he knew what kind of club we were going to, I specifically told him when I invited him. That's the point at which he should have mentioned his new 'chastity'. Or, really, way before then, because we'd been conversing off and on all week and it was definitely something that needed to be mentioned. Cowardly piece of shit of a man. Not to mention just plain RETARDED for making that promise to a girl he's never met who barely speaks his language and is half a world away. But that's not what I was pissed about, either. And then he decided to have a conversation in which he informed me that we wouldn't have worked as a couple anyway, but it was great to have met me and have me as a friend. Thanks, asshole. Good to know I'm all tight with a psychic. Not that I wanted to date him. I MIGHT have if he hadn't had a girlfriend, but it wasn't even an issue to me. It was just sex, friends with benefits.
People are shite. Everywhere. All of them.