This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Monday, October 24, 2005

Enter the Dragon...

He calls you out of sleep, and when you answer, your voice is slurred. You wonder, idly, if he might think you drunk, and somewhat giggle to yourself that this is your first thought upon waking. Then his voice cuts through the slumber, through the giggling, through the lost, idle thoughts. "Wake up." As if he knew you were asleep, knew he was waking you, and now expects your full attention. "I'm awake," you say clearly, all the remnants of your slumber gone. His voice always does this to you. Even after so long. "Good. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." The phone goes dead, but you hardly notice in your haste to find clothing, something warm enough just for the car ride. Finally, fully dressed, you're sitting on your front steps, waiting for that white car to pull up. You're smoking your cigarette, those delicate lights, and it finally occurs to you to wonder why you didn't tell him to f*ck off. You wonder why you immediately awoke at those first two words, why it never occured to you to simply go back to sleep. And when the car pulls up, you wonder why you walk so quickly over to it, why you don't want to keep him waiting. But these are merely passing thoughts because you know the answer already.
This man, this dragon, Jack. You open the car, sit down in your accustomed seat on the passenger side. The mixed feelings of relief and disappointment cause you to pause until you can acknowledge where their source is: the car is empty save for Jack. He's not going to share you tonight.
All thoughts cease as his mouth claims yours, his tongue demanding and forceful, his lips fierce and hard. It seems your body is a siren, screaming to be touched, sensitive to even the smallest touch of air. His hand on your breast and you gasp into his mouth, giving him the opportunity to capture your tongue in his teeth.
Abruptly, he breaks away, pulling your head down to his lap, where you know what is expected of you. You've done this before...

Sitting here at work, I can almost feel the size of him in my mouth. Almost taste him, almost touch him. Because that's what I was thinking when I woke this morning. Not because of dreams, my dreams were completely odd and too entirely surreal to ever be mistaken for reality. But Jack...LoL. Maybe he's the same. Too surreal, too odd. I often think he is. But then, there's a phone call...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Perhaps it is the taste, that distinctive flavour behind the last meal, the last cigarette, even the thick new waking taste. The one thing, the aftertaste, the UNDERtaste, that was distinctly YOU. Perhaps it is the smell, the singular musk underneath the cologne, the cigarettes, the sweat from a day's work. Perhaps it is the touch, the feel of your skin against mine, your chest beneath my fingers, your lips against mine. Perhaps it is the sound, the unique lilt to your voice, the half whispered "yesssss". Perhaps it is the sight, you in all lights, all darknesses, all modes of dress and undress and every stage in between.
Or, perhaps, it is me. My personal psychoses. That wouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
Whatever it is, its absence is inescapable tonight.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

In the End I Wanna Be Standing at the Beginning

Myself, I'm one of those people. I have to own my past. I haven't the capacity to disassociate myself from it.
Once I took an online test, one of those "what kind of romantic are you". Mine was "Second Chance Romance". I expected it to be "Romantic Rescue", which was the result of the person from whom I found the test. Second chance. Ha! If only...
Things don't work like that, you know. Life doesn't give you second chances. Hell, life doesn't give you very many first chances.
I haven't dated for the past year. When Ruby and I broke up, I didn't date for over three years. I've been married almost four. And how many fuck buddies have I had?
Ah, sex. One of life's little necessities.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, guess who's three years old today!?! That's right, me. I, the blog of the mentally unstable chic, am three. Today. Three years ago, she was in Hawaii, on Oahu, in Mililani, on Waikalani Drive. Three years ago she had a lot to say and even more time to say it in. Now, she's probably still got a lot to say, but absolutely no time in which to do so. Which sucks. Because I get SO lonely...doesn't ANYBODY want to write to me anymore?

^My blog is weird. Can't imagine where it gets that from. Anymore than I can figure out where Amethyst gets it from...oh, well, back to work!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Truth in Sex

It is bodies, because it has to be. It is hands in secret places, tongues in hidden crevices. It is the shadows of flames caressing and lightly burning across skins pressed closely against skins. It is whispers of lies, the way all bodies lie when pressed like that. It is pain and pleasure, violence and gentility. It is the release of fluids, the mess of glands releasing their hold. It is hot and cold, new and familiar. Every time.
But there is no truth in sex. The whispering of intimacies the bodies mumble to each other are lies. The dick says love and the vagina believes, but in the morning the light shows the soiled sheets and the horror of the night before.
And, for some reason, I can't get enough. Usually.
Right now, though, during the week I don't have the energy, and during the weekends I don't have the time. Fuck, this was supposed to be SO much more interesting.

This Day in History

1940 - John Lennon is born
1974 - Oskar Schindler (of Schindler's List fame) dies
1916 - Babe Ruth pitches and wins the longest ever (14 innings) World Series game (2-1)
1888 - The Washington Monument opens to the public
28BC - The Temple of Apollo is dedicated on the Palatine Hill in Rome
1975 - Ironically, Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov, the Soviet physicist who helped build the USSR's first hydrogen bomb, is awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace
1989 - Penthouse Magazine's Hebrew edition hits the newsstands
1930 - Laura Ingalls completes the first transcontinental flight by a woman
1701 - Yale University is chartered in New Haven
1871 - Chicago's "Great Conflagration" is brought under control (started the night before and extinguished completely with the following day's rain)
1965 - Beatles' "Yesterday" single goes number one
1855 - The sewing machine motor is patented by Isaac Singer
1973 - Elvis Presley divorces Priscilla, earning her $1.5 million in cash, $4,200 per month in alimony, half interest in a $750,000 home plus about 5% interest in two of ElvisÂ? publishing companies
1944 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin begin a nine-day conference in Moscow
1781 - The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War took place in Yorktown, VA. The American forces, led by George Washington, defeated the British troops under Lord Cornwallis
1958 - Pope Pius XII died, 19 years after he was elevated to the papacy
1936 The first generator at later Hoover Dam began transmitting electricity to Los Angeles
1952 - Sharon Osborne is born
1446 - Korean Hangual alphabet devised
2003 - A girl discovers a betrayal so deep, so absolute, that it breaks her heart to pieces and changes the course of her life

And here I lay, picking up those pieces, and trying to steer that course.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Girl Who Can't Fly

When I first realized it was gone, I almost suffocated under the weight of the shock and dispair. So much of my childhood is a blur, but I remember with absolute clarity how much I loved sitting on top of the telephone poles and looking at the colours of the trees against the sky. The colours were so vibrant, then. They haven't been the same since.
Maybe that's my problem. I lost the colours; my life went from bright, true colour to black and white/sepia when I forgot how to fly.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bordering on Hypocrisy

I sit in my self-absorbed little world, lamenting the fact that I never go anywhere and never do anything because no one loves me and I don't have any friends. Right now, that attitude is making me giggle. Because I've gotten SO many offers just to go out TONIGHT that it's mind boggling. And what did I do? I turned them all down. Because I'm fucking EXHAUSTED. God, you have no idea! I work ten and twelve hour days all week and barely sleep at night-DON'T sleep at night when Amethyst decides to join me in my bed. (She's a little wiggler.) So I've sacrificed my social life for my job. Which SUCKS because this job is CRAP ninety-nine days out of a hundred. But I've got to pay the bills: keep my car, keep my insurance, keep my daughter in Tae Kwon Do, keep myself ahead of debt, keep spoiling Amethyst, even every now and then keep buying a few things for myself. So it's like this: you either have the time to do things but no money with which to do them, or the money to do them but not the time. There HAS to be SOME kind of middle ground-right? Right?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

To Do...

I work to live and recently I live to work, but mostly I work to stave off the emptiness of losing my life's partner. The he who could-have-been; the he who never-was. And then I wonder if I ever really lost him, or perhaps just lost the opportunity to meet him.
Regardless, here I am. Content, but alone.

Monday, October 03, 2005


I ask a lot of questions. Sometimes too many, but I need clarification. Work sucks, you know. They just moved me and it sucked and they're probably going to move me again which is going to suck worse, but it's a paycheck, and I've got bills. And then there's Amethyst's surgery next week, and I'm worried as hell but also trying to calm HER down and explain what's going to happen and how she's going to feel and that mommy's going to be there. But all I want to do right NOW is sleep because I'm exhausted and need beauty sleep in a bad way anyway. God, I'm so fucking tired.