This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Okay, for some reason I can't seem to edit my posts. And I'm kind of wondering if I can post at all. So I'm going to write this and attempt to post it, but if it doesn't pop up, we'll know something's seriously wrong. Other than with me, I mean. Okay, here goes.
It seems to me that some of you might get the impression that I'm some sort of prude. Or, god forbid (and just quit reading and go back to your pathetic little life if you don't get the pun here), a christian. Neither of which is true. I've had sex before-obviously, I have a kid-but...well, I got to the point where only two of my sexual encounters had not been one night stands. And one was the first guy I had sex with, which naturally doesn't really count. Two out of how many, you ask? Nah, I'm not going there. Let's just say those two are less than 1/5 of the overall total and let it go at that. Now, I'm not advocating monogamy or never having a one night stand-or several, or even exclusively one night stands if that's what you can handle. But I decided I, personally, couldn't handle it. Don't get me wrong, it was fun. And I mean FUN. And some of the best sex I've had.'s not my style. I tend to get attached really easily, and sex forms an attachment. For me, there's no such thing as "no strings attached" sex. Would that there were, I'm practically in heat-it's been a WHILE. But I decided what I want and, though my will power has been tested-many, many times, I might add-I am adhering to my quest. Don't worry, I'm only jokingly referring to it as a quest. It's just what I choose to do. I'm not deluded enough to think that there will only be one more ever. That's probably not going to happen. But when I do end this sebatical (for lack of a better word), it will be by my choice-a deliberate, thought out action, not getting caught up in the heat of the moment. For the curious, no, this is not as bizarre as it gets. This isn't even one foot into the rabbit hole, and I have a VERY enterprising bunny. This is it until I figure out this whole blogging error thing. Hope you see it.