This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Sunday, March 02, 2003

Okay, so last night I had pretty much a shitty time with jerko-and I didn't even get a free toy out of it. But at least I was able to ditch him easily. So it all turned out okay.
TONIGHT, though. Tonight, I had a fabulous time. Totally fun. First we went toy shopping-we meaning Plum and I. We were there for a little over an hour and I spent WAY too much. It was SO fun, though. And the chic who had to test everything-because obviously those kind of toys are not returnable-was VERY excited about the little finger one. And believe me, so was I. I got a whole bunch of stuff to try out-and I promised Plum I'd write a review about each one in my blog. So look for that in the coming week or so.
Anyway, after toy shopping we went to get something to eat. And I know that this is a small area and everything, but I was REALLY surprised at who I ran into. Royal. Yep, guy who dumped me right before Thanksgiving. Royal, out with his parents on a Saturday night. Twenty six and still a virgin, and I can't IMAGINE why! Anyway, it was interesting to see him. And I wasn't attracted to him, at least not in the sense of actually wanting him. I met his parents and we had a completely civil conversation and then said goodbye. Well, I did hug him, but it wasn't in like a lust kinda way. It's just the way I am with people. And even though I thought of all sorts of mean things I could've said to him, I didn't. I didn't even tell him about what happened on Thanksgiving, then mentioning that it wouldn't have happened if his happy little virgin ass hadn't DUMPED me to be abused and taken advantage of like that. He was with his parents. I THINK of all these malicious little things, but I never actually DO or SAY any of them. But I'm kinda glad in a bizarre sort of way that I ran into him. Because I've lost some weight, and I'm in love, and I'd been having a really good day, and I was wearing a TOTALLY cute outfit, so I looked GOOD. PLUS *I* was there with a GUY and HE was there with his PARENTS. So he got to SEE what he's missing out on.
Then Plum and I went to eat and I casually mentioned that I maybe DIDN'T want to see the independent black and white samuri movie and maybe wanted to see a romantic comedy instead. And because I'm a cute chic it wasn't too difficult to get him to acquiesce. But he didn't like it-and I have to admit that even though it was marginally enjoyable, it was ALSO a bad movie-so I promised him that I'd go see the samuri one with him later this week. I'm kinda sorry we didn't go see it in the first place, but at least I have something to NOT recommend to others later. And things I can mock. But before we went to the movie, he also took me to a place I'd never been before-the world's largest coffee house chain. It was yummy. And he was very impressed with my tongue as I played with the whipped cream in my caramel drink. He wasn't the only one, though. There were a few other guys who were checking out my mad tongue action. I just LOVE my tongue. I love that I know what to do with it. And that it's so fun to play with. AND that it makes it a lot easier for me to be a REALLY good kisser.
Anyway, overall I had a REALLY good evening. And then when I got home-already almost two hours late to meet my love-Slate was on the computer for another hour and a half. *sigh* But I at least got to take my shower int that period of time.
And then I get online and my love had REALLY missed me. AND he was REALLY, REALLY jealous of Plum. Kept saying that no man could spend that much time with me without falling in love. THEN he said that if Plum WAS in love with me that he just got to spend an entire evening with the girl that he loved when my love hasn't even met me. I love that he gets all jealous and possessive. I think it's sweet. But it also makes me feel safe. Like he'd protect me from anything. And that's a great relief because there's so much that's happened to me, I need to feel shielded against any more of it.
Oh, man, it's after six in the morning. The sun is rising. Amethyst is awake. But I'm still talking to my love. So I guess that's a nix on the sleeping idea for tonight. Last night. Whatever.
I love that all I talk about is my love. He's all I think about. All I want. All I need. He's everything to me. I love that he can make me feel like this. I love that he can make me think like this and act like this and even LOOK like this. I love being in love.