This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Tuesday, March 11, 2003

So I went to bed around fourish and woke up around eightish. And I woke up throwing up. I wouldn't've been sick, except for two things: mixing liquors and food poisoning from lunch. The food poisoning was only mild, and if it hadn't been for the liquor would have just gone away. But yeah, I've been throwing up all day. My stomach is finally calming down, thankfully. Poor Amethyst, though-I've had to keep her away from me because her jumping all over me only makes me more queasy. Oh, I hate being sick.
Also I'm kinda...irritable. I know I shouldn't be, but even when you love someone you get upset with them everynow and again. I don't WANT to be angry, but I can't help it. It's not fair. No matter how much I protest that I'm okay with everything, I'm still grouchy about it. It's really not fucking fair. He has EVERYTHING of me, and I have nothing of him. And it really pissed me off that he keeps saying that he loves me MORE-because he can't even talk to me when *I* ramble on forever about the inane. AND he's got me RECORDED. Don't get me wrong, I DID want to talk to him. I just wanted him to talk to me, too. I'm real to him. I'm real and he loves me anyway. But right now I'm in love with a dream. And I love the man behind the dream, the man that I want to know. So the part of me that's angry wants to do something malicious, something to get BACK at him. *sigh* Too bad I'm not the malicious type. I don't even think I COULD be mean if I tried. Well, I probably could.
Anyway, I'm sick of thinking about it. And I'm all queasy. So I'm going to go take a nap with Amethyst.