This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Saturday, July 26, 2003

From 7:30:
I fucking hate my fucking family. My parents who agree to pay my phone bill just to help get me started and then demand to fucking see the detailed bill for every single goddamned penny, THEN when Stormy calls them to ask for like thirty they offer to put three hundred into her account. When SHE fucking has a job, and I have nothing. Then Stormy decides that I don't NEED any milk for the next few days. When practically everything I have in my house that's able to be cooked requires it. Goddamned bitch. AND she can go off and take her husband and his brother to a movie but she can't even get me any fucking FOOD to eat. The bitch OWES me. A LOT. And her bastard of a husband complaining that I'M taking advantage of THEM?? FUCK that shit. I clean their house and do their dishes and laundry and take the BARE FUCKING MINIMUM from them while they squander everything and can't even HELP me? That is NOT the way a family should act. He can rot in fucking hell. All of them can.