This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Wednesday, July 09, 2003

So the only things I have to drink in the house are water and Smirnoff Ice. I've been working all day, getting this dump cleaned up. Guess what I've been drinking? (Hint: Alcoholics rarely choose water.)
Besides, my blood is mostly iron and iron rusts when exposed to too much water.
So I get online today and the guy I'm forbidden from talking to IMs me. I talk for a few minutes and then go. Then he calls me tonight. Actually, I've been on the phone most of the day with different people. Anyway, FireOpal is not going to be happy when he finds out. I say 'when' because, as we all know, I can't keep a secret. And it's not just that I can't keep a secret, it's that I can't not tell somebody something that I know they'd want to know. *sigh*
Okay, other matters.
Apparently I'm going to a party this weekend. For my second cousin once removed-or some strange relationship like that. Anyway, the brat's turning two and I'm taking Amethyst. Hopefully she doesn't pull the head off of this kid. Well, she's never actually DONE that before, just tried to. I guess it comes with being the antichrist.
"This house is clean." Well, except for Amethyst's room. I have never-and I mean NEVER-had a problem getting her to clean up before. And it took her ALL FUCKING DAY to do the simplest chore. I thought I'd be forced to kill her at one point. Too bad the police wouldn't buy the "she's the antichrist" defense-they probably think the antichrist is supposed to be a boy. Mysogynistic assholes.
I don't really have too much to say. I know I'm a pretty boring person. Despite that at least one person has said that my "life should be televised and broadcast to millions of viewers." Yeah, as a sleeping aid. Really, I don't DO much of anything. I haven't even since I started this blog. Who would watch? I mean, even my sexual escapades are rather...tame compared to some of the porn I've been assured is out there. Since I don't watch it and all. I had one guy decide to talk to me after reading this because he thought I'd be an easy lay. Do I really give that impression? Maybe so. Since I'm incapable of saying no.
FireOpal loves me. I've never felt so loved in my entire life, not even when I was a child. And my father LOVED me as a child. I love FireOpal. This intense, exciting, scary, fantastic emotion that cannot be encompassed by the word "love"-yet no other word or series of words could ever come close. He makes me FEEL so much. Too much, I think, sometimes. But I wouldn't give it up for the world. Well, no one's about to offer me the world, but I'm pretty sure I'd choose him. I love him, after all. And the world sure hasn't done ME any favours...