This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Sapphire, do you take FireOpal to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage; Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and cherish him, and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health And forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?
“ I do”

I feel loved
When you talk to me, when you think of me, when you miss me, when you pay attention to me, when you exist because I know your heart beats for me.
I want to love you the way you love me for always.

I feel comforted
When you tell me to shh, when you wish to hold me and stroke my hair and take all the hurt away.
I want to comfort you the way you comfort me for always.

I feel honoured
When you chose me above all others, knowing full well you could have anyone you please.
I want to honour you the way you honour me for always.

I feel cherished
When you write me long emails letting me know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling, when you take the time and make the effort to let me know how MUCH I mean to you.
I want to cherish you the way you cherish me for always.

I feel kept
When you remind me of the promises we made to love each other forever, when you tell me that you’re not letting me go, when you tell me that you need me.
I want to keep you the way you keep me for always.

I feel better
When you talk to me and tell me you love me every five seconds, when you smile just for me.
I want to make you feel better the way you make me for always.

I feel worse
When you are hurting, especially when you are hurting because of the pain I have inflicted upon you.
I want to spare you from every bit of pain for always.

I feel rich
When you shower me with praises, when you call to my attention my strengths and my beauties.
I want to make you rich the way you make me for always.

I feel poor
When you are so far away, when you aren’t anywhere I can talk to you or tell you that I love you.
I want to save you from ever being poor for always.

I feel sick
When you forget how much I love you, when you don’t remember all we’ve been through and all we mean to each other.
I want to remind you of my love and devotion for always.

I feel healthy
When you simply breathe, when you are who you are because I couldn’t be healthy without knowing you were alive somewhere in this world.
I want to make you healthy the way you make me for always.

I feel only yours
When you ask me to do things for you, the simplest and the most difficult.
I want to make you only mine for always.

Even in my dreams I write SO fucking well.