I miss my baby bear. Amethyst is hundreds of miles away and I'm here all alone. She calls me sometimes, though. Probably just for the thrill of using the phone all by herself (my number is programmed in and my parents showed her how to use it), but still, I get to talk to her. And DAMN does that child TALK!! I love it. Even if all she's doing is describing to me the cartoon she's watching ("You know that one with the grey cat who chases the mouse? Now he's got ketchup all over his face and now he's on the roof-you know the thing on the roof? The grey thing, not the chimney, yeah, that's what he's on. And nobody feeded me this morning so I got some cereal all by myself because Papa's at work and Grammy's...I don't know where Grammy is, but the people who are supposed to be watching me are sleeping, but that's okay because they put some cartoons on for me. And now the cat got in the dog's house and the dog is mad at him. I love you, mommy!"). I love you, too, baby bear.
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