This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I called yesterday and had the charges dropped. Well, I had to fax them a letter requesting that the charges be dropped, but I think without me they pretty much have to be. Right? Anyway, I don't know. And I don't want to call his mom or the jail to find out-at his mom's what if he answers? And what would I say? "I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry"??? What about HIM saying that to ME? Never happen.
Never, ever happen.
Job interview Sunday. Wouldn't it be kewl if I got a job within a week of being here and my loser brothers haven't many years? Five? Or so? And what kinda pisses me off is that my loser brothers have been mooching-LEECHING-off my parents all these years but as soon as I show up I'm expected to "contribute". What the FUCK??? No, I don't mind contributing (doing chores, paying rent, buying my own food, etc.), but it's way too hypocritical. *I* have a kid. I have a REASON not to "contribute". And my brothers have new cell phones and game systems and DVD players and cable internet. I have nothing. I'm in debt up to my ears, and I have no transportation, no skills, no training, no education. Yeah, it pisses me off.
And I'm not the kind of girl to "keep it to myself".