This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Thursday, January 23, 2003

If there is a god and a heaven and therefor a life after death, why did this 'god' create a survival instinct? I highly doubt heaven is overcrowded. And if there is an eternal hell, then how can this 'god' be deemed benevolent and loving, or even fatherly? Punishment is to teach a child the right way to do things, not for the sake of punishing them for what is perceived as wrong. And suffering-why allow it? So the miserable can prove their love for this 'god'? A god who hands you nothing but pain just so he can test how much you love him, if your love is real. How sadistic is that? Sounds like it would make a good horror movie/every bad relationship anyone's ever been in. "Do you love me? 'Yes.' *smack* How about now? If you really loved me, you'd forgive me for punching you-and still love me despite the fact that I just punched you." That's sick, man, sick and twisted. Love should not have to be proven, only felt. And if this 'god' doesn't know you love him, how omnipotent can he be?
I have too many problems with this religion thing, too many questions that have no answers, and even if they do, the answers don't satisfy me. So I'll strive to be content to not know, to believe that maybe it can't be known, and to wait until later-see if it possibly becomes a priority to me.
NOW it's time for that shower. And possibly bed.