This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Friday, March 07, 2003

*sigh* So I am unable to keep secrets. I told him. He'd already had it almost figured out anyway. AND I told him my other secret, so now he knows them all. Sometimes I wish I could keep secrets or lie or anything like that. But I'm kinda glad I'm the way I am-honest. Too honest, really.
Anyway, I finally got all x-rayed today. And the x-ray guy was TOTALLY flirting with me. I think it's because he thought it was funny when he asked what he could do for me and I said "examine my innards". He really laughed-thought I was hilarious or something. Whatever. Oh, and on my way onto the base, they were checking IDs-and mostly just waving people through. But the guy stopped me and took my ID and deliberately checked to see if I were married. Then he looked all disappointed. He was cute, so I winked at him and drove off. AND, I came back and took Amethyst out to lunch and while we were out I said what I always say to her: "do you ever wonder why you're an only child?" And this guy told me that was the funniest thing he'd ever heard and proceeded to stalk us. And try to flirt with me, but he was really no good at it. Besides, I'm taken.
Anyway, I had an amusing day. But now I have to go cook dinner.