This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Thursday, February 06, 2003

"Take a look; here I am. Can't you see? One simple smile from you could set me free. So if you take a look, let your heart be your guide, I'll show you love if you take a look at the girl inside."
I had a dream last night. You know how in movies when they do a flashback to the past they do this thing with the colour that's not REALLY colour, but somehow almost colour? That's what it was like. Everything a sort of almost colour-and we were maybe in the sky or walking on clouds or something vague and not really a place. And there were these...people there. Guys, actually. All the men who'd ever meant something to me. My father, Ruby Red, my knight, Chestnut even, Caramel, Chocolate-whom I know I haven't actually mentioned yet (if I ever will), this guy I sort of kind of almost dated the last time I was going to school when I was living with Stormy, the guy(s) who might've gotten me pregnant...they were all there. And one at a time they smiled at me and turned and walked away. Through a door that had appeared as they'd lined up. Some of them did more than smile, kissed my hand, touched my face, carressed my hair...each did what was appropriate according to what he'd meant to me. And still walked away, deliberately turned his back and purposely walked through the door. When the last one was gone, the door shut, and even the almost colour faded away to black and white and grainy gray-like in old movies. And I sat alone, lost and confused, almost crying, looking around me dazed and wondering how I'd gotten to that point. Then there was a knock on the door. I looked up, sure I'd imagined it. I wiped my face and stared, hoping the knock would sound again. Just as I'd given up, it did. I walked towards the door, turned the knob...and there was nothing on the other side. Not darkness, not another room, not anything. I was afraid to look through the door, some great foreboding had come upon me. And a hand appeared, reaching for me, inviting me to trust. Excited, scared, terrified, exilhirated, I took the hand, stepped through the door. There he was, one hand holding mine, other hand holding the most gorgeous roses I've ever seen. And the world he'd drawn me into...I never knew there could be such SPLENDOR, so many colours, such an amazing presence of environment. I looked into his eyes and he smiled. The most perfect smile any man has ever smiled, so full of kindness, intelligence, and even love. Holding onto each other, knowing we'd never let go, we set off to explore this world created just for us.
It was an amazing dream.