This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

But what DOES happen to normal people? Email:

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

In a relationship-and let's just say (for the sake of arguement) that one of these days I will be in a relationship...oh, where was I? Oh, yeah. Anyway, let's say that this relationship is for whatever reason having problems. All relationships do, so this is pretty safe to assume. And let's also say that at the point where these problems seem like they might just overwhelm the relationship, all of a sudden this couple is thrown into a traumatic and dangerous and cataclysmic experience that for whatever reason they must endure together. Now, this is all hypothetical of course. But at this point is the relationship going to survive? On the one hand, trauma brings people closer together. But once the trauma is over, will it just go back to the problems? Or perhaps this trauma has awakened both participants to life, and they realize again why they were together. Surviving something together certainly makes a bond between two people. But does it create a false bond, or strengthen the real one? And would a relationship based on such a trauma-or not even based on, but perhaps started by-last? Because it's easy to forget once the trauma is over.
Ya know what? Damn, I think too much.