This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Sunday, December 28, 2003

She threatens me. *mocking laugh* Ha! She HAS no naked pictures, and even if she did, so what? I'M not the one shy about putting them up on the internet. She IS. And you want my name, address, telephone number? Ask for it. Birthdate is easy, I posted on my birthday. Birthplace I left long long ago. PIN number to a debit card I no longer use to an account I closed. Friends of mine she knows nicknames, first names and a few phone numbers. My husband and his secrets? Read the very first post here, and you'll know too. What she doesn't understand is that I DO NOT CARE. I HAVE no secrets, I need none. So I posted this:
you utter fools. did it ever occur to you that "yen"-Marianne Nicole {and I'll concede here by not entering her last name but ONLY because Raven would be upset-if you want it, though, just ask me}, by the way (hell, she gave you my name, I can give you hers)-is NOT the little miss innocent you think she is? that she, in fact, is one heinous, insidious bitch who fucks with people for no other reason than her whim? of course not. all you see is what she lets you see-and she lies. not only does she lie, she perpetuates her lies and misdirections. that and she doesn't know everything-or really, ANYthing- that goes on between [Raven] and I. she has her little bullshit assumptions of me getting more attention because I'm rebellious, but that's not the case. I get more attention because I'm here and He loves me. ALSO, her little "eighteen days" entry was in no way arbitrated by Master Crow. it's her OWN decision, her own choice, her own deadline. being a victim of her hideousness, I just thought I'd let you know. have no pity on this creature-she is an utter waste of carbon molecules
on someone's blog, someone she wants to respect her, someone she wants to like her. Is any of it not true? No. Every word of it is indisputable fact.
Threaten me and my friends. Sure, go ahead. But my child? No. There will BE no threat to her. There will be no threat because I will allow none. I will not allow her near my child. And it's only with my blessing that she could ever be. That's a blessing I will never NEVER give.
"An offense against His is an offense against Him." True. Very, very true. *I* am His. And she has committed serious offenses against me. Hell, I wasn't even punished for posting that. He didn't care what I posted, though He was upset that I had gone against the intention of one of His commands (though not the letter). He will punish her for her offenses. And I-I will sit back and laugh.
I always win.