This Doesn't Happen to Normal People

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Friday, October 29, 2004

If he loves me, why didn't he leave well enough alone?

(raven : hello.
sapphire: hello
raven : no date tonight?
sapphire: no
sapphire: not seeing your wife tonight?
raven : i dont have a wife
sapphire: how'd you get out
sapphire: I fucking hate you, you goddamned liar
raven : i got out because its mccurtain county
sapphire: why?
raven : why what?
sapphire: no, actually, I don't give a fuck
raven : why did i make you go?
raven : because we were going to kill eachother
sapphire: I fucking hate you
raven : then hate me.
raven : it doesnt change the fact that i love you and could not let what i saw happening go on
sapphire: and it didn't occur to you to make the situation better? like maybe get a job, stop hanging around with your wife, stop getting drunk and acting like a goddamned asshole?
sapphire: I was here a week and had two jobs
raven : i got drunk both times because it was the only way i could stand to do it
sapphire: you liar
raven : what ever
raven : what do you want me to do with the rest of your things and where are my wizards and my sword
sapphire: I needed you and I trusted you and you fucking lied
sapphire: send me the rest of my things, I don't have your goddamned wizards and I don't know where your sword it
sapphire: is
raven : where are the wizards then if you dont have them
sapphire: I don't know
sapphire: unless they were in one of the boxes that I haven't gone through
raven : ok what did you do with them?
sapphire: I didn't do anything with them
sapphire: I just grabbed shit and left. you said you hated me. you didn't love me. you broke me again and you promised not to and I love you SO MUCH and I just haven't been thinking about you, hoping you'll fall off the face of the earth so I'd never have to think about you again
sapphire: because I'm sick of crying and hurting
raven : i love you and that is why i had to stop what was happening but you will never believe that and if i had told you that then you wouldnt have gone.
raven : i had to get you pissed and hurt enough to go
sapphire: why
raven : because it was killing us both
sapphire: you
sapphire: not it
sapphire: YOU were killing us
sapphire: and you just gave up
sapphire: YOU were the one who said that there are going to be problems in every relationship and not to run at the first sign of them
sapphire: you fucking coward
raven : i ran because i would catch myself thinking that it would be better if i just killed us both and got it over with
sapphire: why didn't you just get a fucking JOB?
raven : i ran because i knew that something like that was coming if i didnt
raven : that wasnt the fucking problem
raven : that was a simptom
sapphire: you ran because you're a weak, impotent child. you ran because you aren't competent enough to be in a relationship. you ran because you were fucking scared.
sapphire: I'd rather hate you
{and here I signed out}
raven : i ran because i love you and didnt want that to go on.
raven : and i still love you
raven : if you want to talk you know where i am.

And then:

raven: well?
sapphire: no, fuck that
sapphire: that should be MY question
sapphire: well?
raven: i am going on a three week job monday and after i finish that i will bring you the rest of your things.
raven: if you want
sapphire: I want you to pay off all the bills you helped run up. instead of ducking out like I expect you will
raven: ok
raven: hows rowan?
sapphire: fuck you
sapphire: don't ask about my daughter
sapphire: don't you fucking DARE
raven: too late
raven: i dare
sapphire: on the way out of town she asked why there were only two seats and where was daddy going to sit
raven: im sorry
sapphire: go to hell
raven: if i could have found a way to fix it so that that wouldnt have had to hapen i would have
raven: and i am already in hell
sapphire: good. I can't think of a person who deserves it more
{and here I signed out}
raven: i dont think there is a person who deservs it more.
raven has signed out. (10/29/2004 7:50 PM))

Fucking liar.